Ordering and Delivery

01. Order confirmation

02. Confirm deposit

03.Preparation for delivery

04.Delivery begins

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • General order deadline
    → For standard delivery, if you order before noon (12:00 PM) every day, it will be delivered the next day. (Delivery date: Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri)

1. Regular delivery: Operates every Tuesday-Friday (no delivery on public holidays) 1) Morning delivery
A. 9:00-11:00: Botanica, Pakubuwono Residence, Pakubuwono Signature
B. 10:00-12:00: Kemang Village, Pondok Indah Residence

2) Afternoon delivery
A. 13:00-15:00: Taman Raja, Lavenue, Wisma Indah
B. 14:00-16:00: Bona Vista, Branz Simatupang
C. 16:00-17:30: 1 Park Avenue, Essence, Kintamani

3) Local delivery
A. Wednesday afternoons (once a week): Premier Estate
B. Thursday afternoon (once a week): Karawaci
C. Saturday afternoon (once a week): Kelapa Gading
D. First Saturday of every month (once a month): Cikarang

1) Morning delivery
A. 9:00-11:00: Botanica, Pakubuwono Residence, Pakubuwono Signature
B. 10:00-12:00: Kemang Village, Pondok Indah Residence

2) Afternoon delivery
A. 13:00-15:00: Taman Raja, Lavenue, Wisma Indah
B. 14:00-16:00: Bona Vista, Branz Simatupang
C. 16:00-17:30: 1 Park Avenue, Essence, Kintamani

Super Lounge Pickup: Open Mon-Sat 10:00 - 16:00 (Closed on Public Holidays)

1) Target
A. Customers who live outside of our regular delivery area
▷ Customers who want to order and receive delivery at a convenient time regardless of regular delivery

2) How to order
A. Order within the 'Lounge' category on the Supermarket website
▷ Automatic order cancellation if the product is not from the 'Lounge' category
▷Discount code available
※ 'Pickup': Rp 20,000 discount
※ 'No packaging': Rp 30,000 discount (prepare your own shopping cart and ice pack)
B. Pickup available 2 hours after order completion (no separate contact)
C. The person picking up the product will deliver it when you tell them the “order number”.